Happy - A Story by Dee Dee Morrissey

Through the lense of the main character, Saoirse, the narrative unfolds as a candid reflection of Dee Dee's own teenage experiences. It offers a genuine portrayal of the real-life experiences she faced as a teenager, providing valuable insights into the complexities of adolescent life.
At first glance, Saoirse appears to have it all: she is popular, a champion runner, slim, and possesses a vibrant sense of humor. However, the narrative delves deeper into her character, revealing the insecurities she conceals from those around her. Despite her outward success, Saoirse grapples with significant internal struggles that paint a different picture of her reality.
Saoirse yearns for the freedoms she once enjoyed living instinctively in the Amazon Rainforest. She has a unique gift which she doesn't know she has, she aquired it growing up in the Rainforest. She learns how to shape-shift with her Eagle best friend, 'Feathers'.
As Saoirse learns to unmask and reveal her true authentic self in the book, so too does the author Dee Dee in real life and both characters go on to live happier, healthier lives in tune with their higher purpose. Through listening to the little voice in her head, Dee Dee wrote "Happy". A task that started out with a desire and wish to heal the world but ultimately healed herself. 
The message is: follow the lil voice in your head, your heart, your gut, as this will allow Spirit to guide you through to align with your higher self and help you carry out your most worthy earthly duties. And help you recover and discover your true self. I hope this helps, students and teachers of the world alike, let’s join forces in making heaven on earth so nobody will want to leave early.
Support this local Irish Author on her journey of self discovery and buy this book!